My First Solo Album “The Bottle Of Better Than” Will Be Available On All Streaming/Music Purchasing Platforms Within The Next Few Weeks.
So I made an album…
So I've got an album out. Along with my career in cartooning and illustration, I’ve always played music, actively am the guitarist in the band No Saboteurs who have an album in the works. I got extremely inspired by all the things going on in the world in 2020, and driven by the time I had to work creatively to build songs on my own, playing all the instruments, tracking all the vocals. I'm thankful to Robby Coleman for mastering my mixes, and making them sound better. I'd appreciate if you check out the album, share it, and spread this around if you like it.
The album is a weaving indie folk/rock narrative talking about our crumbling environment, data collection, love, drinking, backward progress, protesting, and civil rights, vividly told in an awkward tapestry.
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The new music videos from the Album for “The Bottle of Better Then” can be viewed here: